Carnival of Blog Translation VI.

Blogueurs et blogueuses mulitilingues de tous les pays, à vos claviers ! Il y a une nouvelle édition du Carnaval des traductions blogiques. Toutes combinaisons de langues source et cible sont acceptées — pourvu que vous traduisiez un billet publié en juin 2006 (par vous même ou quelqu’un d’autre), publiez la traduction sur votre blog à vous, et me le fassiez savoir.

Update 3: To make this perfectly clear, there is no deadline. As long as the translated posts were published in June 2006.

Hell and damnation! I hate it when that happens — and this was indeed a bad time for things to go awry. No I didn’t forget the Carnival of Blog Translation, which I’ve agreed to host for the month of June. I’ve just been horribly snowed under with my new job and moving to the pleasant suburb of Brixton. So not only did I find myself too sleepy to blog, I even missed posts going missing and all but the most egregious server problems. Because there’ve been some.

Update 1: This post, too, is affected. It seems it’s up now — at least I hope so.

Be that as it may, I am horribly, horribly late for the June edition, which Angelo/Caelestis at Sauvage Noble so kindly suggested that I host. No; Liz Henry’s excellent initiative deserves better.

Still, all is not lost, maybe, and June’s not really quite finished yet, if you squint. So Bi- and Multilingual Bloggers of All Countries, Unite! Here are the rules:

  1. Choose a blog post written in June 2006 and get permission to translate it. You can choose one of your own.
  2. Translate it.
  3. Post it on your blog.
  4. All topics and language combinations are welcome.
  5. Notify me, either by leaving a comment or trackback here, or by email to chris AT lascribe POINT net, or by Technorati-tagging your post. The notification should include: The URL, title and author’s name of the original post (in the source language), your name and blog URL, the URL and title of your translation.

Technorati-tagging? Like so: add this code to the end of your post, and I’ll automatically see it:

<a href="" rel="tag">carnivalofblogtranslation</a> or, if you prefer,
<a href="" rel="tag">Carnival of Blog Translation</a>

The deadline is

Sunday, the 32nd of June 2006 at 23:99

(whichever your time zone).

Update 2:Liz Henry herself has come through wonderfully. Read her translation of Yuyu’s post Tormentas de verano: Music, roses, and thunderstorms. To be read while listening to Paula and Odile’s very beautiful Coplilla de la rosa amarilla.

But in fact, I’ll post whatever comes in, even later. I’ll do two translations myself, to make up for my tardiness. And if I fail to give satisfaction as a hostess, I’ll accept 100 lashes with a Unicode string as a punishment.

Loonicode+0003 by Pat Hall

Mon ami et conseiller personnel en matière d’Unicode, Patrick Hall, s’est mis à la création BD. (Son activité blogosphérique principale est de mettre au point une plate-forme qui permettra, on l’espère, à des bénévoles ou (semi-)professionnels de traduire des articles/billets pêchés dans des fils RSS — un sujet pour un autre jour.)

Je veux bien admettre d’avoir participé à la recherche du titre, mais l’idée de mettre en scène les caractères du vaste système Unicode, en les nommant comme le fait cette norme, « U+ » plus un chiffre hexadécimal, est la sienne à 100%.

Jetez donc un coup d’œil sur Loonicode et faites comprendre à Pat qu’il ne faut pas qu’il s’arrête au numéro trois…

(Reproduction de Loonicode+0003 par Pat Hall avec permission de l’auteur.)

Do you want some Wood flower picks sea cucumber hoof with your Cowboy leg?

Il est incertain qu’on puisse encore appeler cela une traduction. Lien déconseillé aux asthmatiques capables de lire l’anglais.

What about Gold silver lotus root silk fries shrimp fucks? Carbon burns black bowel? Maybe Benumbed hot Huang fries belly silk? Or a Good to eat mountain?

It’s like Patrick Hall said: the worst-translated restaurant menu ever. (The link comes with a health warning — it can bring on an asthma attack if you are asthmatic.)

P.S.: One of the commenters provides valuable insight in how things can get that wrong:

Oh, this is so not made up. I’ve travelled to China for 20 years and this is TYPICAL, though I must admit it’s a classic example. If you read Chinese (as the previous commenter clearly doesn’t), you can see exactly how each of the errors was made. They’re all perfectly logical, even if the result is unintentionally hilarious.

Take #1313, “Benumbed hot vegetables fries fuck silk.” It should read “Hot and spicy garlic greens stir-fried with shredded dried tofu.” However, the mangled version above is not as mangled as it seems: it’s a literal word-by-word translation, with some cases where the translator chose the wrong one of two meanings of a word:

First two characters: “ma la” meaning hot and spicy, but literally “numbingly spicy” — it means a kind of Sichuan spice that mixes chilies with Sichuan peppercorn or prickly ash. The latter tends to numb the mouth. “Benumbed hot” is a decent, if ungrammatical, literal translation.

Next two: “jiu cai,” the top greens of a fragrant-flowering garlic. There’s no good English translation, so “vegetables” is just fine.

Next one: “chao,” meaning stir-fried, quite reasonably rendered as “fries” (should be “fried,” but that’s a distinction English makes and Chinese doesn’t).

Finally: “gan si” meaning shredded dried tofu, but literally translated as “dry silk.” The problem here is that the word “gan” means both “to dry” and “to do,” and the latter meaning has come to mean “to fuck.” Unfortunately, the recent proliferation of Colloquial English dictionaries in China means people choose the vulgar translation way too often, on the grounds that it’s colloquial. Last summer I was in a spiffy modern supermarket in Taiyuan whose dried-foods aisle was helpfully labeled “Assorted Fuck.” The word “si” meaning “silk floss” is used in cooking to refer to anything that’s been julienned — very thin pommes frites are sold as “potato silk,” for instance. The fact that it’s tofu is just understood (sheets of dried tofu shredded into julienne) — if it were dried anything else it would say so.

Le projet de loi sur le « trou analogique » imposerait une loi secrète

A contribution to the first edition of the Carnival of Blog Translation. Anglophones can read the original post, which is translated here: Analog Hole Bill Would Impose a Secret Law, on Ed Felten’s post Freedom to Tinker. The choice has been influenced by the DMCA-like bill currently under discussion in France.

  • 2006-02-28
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Ce billet est une contribution à la première édition du « Carnaval de la traduction » initié par Liz Henry. J’ai choisi de transposer dans un français j’espère à peu près compréhensible un billet du professeur Ed Felten de l’université de Princeton aux États-Unis. Son blog, Freedom to Tinker (cela donne « La liberté de […]

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Via Language Hat, j’apprends qu’il y a une excellente initiative de Liz Henry sur ALTAlk Blog (c’est le blog de l’Association américaine des traducteurs littéraires) : un Carnaval de la traduction des blogs (« Carnival of Blog translation » — traduction blogosphérique ? blogique ? francophones, à l’aide !). Un carnaval est une sorte d’exposition tournante […]

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Little Women en V.F. : c’est la consternation

A fellow blogger discovers that his French translation of Louisa May Alcott’s classic Little Women (French title: Les quatre filles du Docteur March) is a horribly bowdlerised text. If you wonder where the “doctor” part in the title comes from, you’ve caught the first strand of what turns out to be the fascinating editorial history of the French version. Starting at the end of the 19th century, the references to religion and the characterisation of Jo, one the novel’s heroines, have been highly problematic, as far as the French editors and translators have been concerned.

Pascal de chez Finis Africae découvre que la lecture de Little Women (titre français : Les quatre filles du Docteur March), le roman de formation de Louisa May Alcott, en version française appelle quelques interrogations critiques. Principale mise en cause : la traduction, dans son cas celle de Anne Joba pour Le Livre de […]

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A matter of perception

Petit rappel : La langue officielle de l’Union postale universelle est le français. Même pour des envois entre le Japon et les États-Unis.

  • 2005-08-12
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Mark Liberman receives a parcel from Japan (with an interesting book inside), and wonders why a shipment from Asia to America should be marked with a stamp in French saying BUREAU DE POSTE - MUSASHIFUCHU JAPON - TAXE PERÇUE: I didn’t know that percevoir can mean “to receive (payment)” as well as “to perceive” […]

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  • 2005-08-01
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Céline, qui blogue sur Naked Translations, connaît un chanoine — « Canon », en V.O., attention à la polysémie ! — à la retraite qui lui a fait un dessin merveilleux du plan-type d’une église anglaise, avec toutes les parties étiquetées. Moi, je l’ai téléchargé pour le mettre dans mes fichiers de référence.

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So Mr Schröder has made, er, creative use of the process that allows for a dismissal of (the lower chamber of) Parliament and new elections in Germany. It’s not entirely clear yet whether they will be okayed by the President. Just to make sure I’m up to date, I follow the political news that […]

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Trouvé sur Glaukôpidos, via caelestis de chez (ou le ? je ne sais jamais) sauvage noble, alors, le voilà, comme promis : le nouveau poème de Sappho V.O. (grec ancien), trouvé sur un papyrus de l’Université de Cologne. ῎Υμμες πεδὰ Μοίσαν ἰ]ο̣κ[ό]λ̣πων κάλα δῶρα, παῖδες, σπουδάσδετε καὶ τὰ]ν̣ φιλἀοιδον λιγύραν χελύνναν· ἔμοι δ᾽ἄπαλον πρίν] π̣οτ᾽ [ἔ]ο̣ντα χρόα […]

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