• 2004-09-16
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If you read this web log through a news aggregator you might be interested in the new French feeds: RSS 2.0 in French and Atom in French. They contain the French versions of every article that has one (the English version otherwise). For the moment, French summaries of English-only articles (or the converse) aren’t included yet.

For my own reading, I use Bloglines (for a preview, click on the link to see the public face of the feeds I read — not all are included), which deals well with the new French feeds. The SAGE extension for the Firefox browser, which provides another excellent news reader, prefers Atom: in its default configuration, it tries to create excerpts from the RSS feed, which doesn’t sit well with my formatting.

Si vous lisez ce blog par un agrégateur de nouvelles, les nouveaux fils vous seront peut-être utiles: RSS 2.0 en français et Atom en français. Ces fils contiennent les billets en version française pourvu qu’il y en ait une. Pour l’instant, les résumés en français des billets en anglais ne sont pas encore disponibles.

Personnellement, j’utilise Bloglines (pour un aperçu, cliquez sur le lien ; il mène vers la face publique de mon compte), qui se débrouille bien avec les fils en français. En revance, SAGE (l’exension de Firefox, un autre agrégateur excellent) préfère Atom, car il tente de fabriquer des extraits des billets transmis par RSS, ce qui est incompatible avec mon formatage.

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3 commentaire(s) pour 'RSS/ATOM en français'

  1. (Comment, 2004-09-16 20:23 )
    #1 — Edda

    IF? you read …?

  2. (Comment, 2005-02-19 10:23 )

    I love RSS. I am having trouble with bloglines as it isn’t updating my feeds for some reason. No support from them at all on that one. The strange thing is they just stopped updating one day - it’s not like I was playing with the templates or anything…

  3. (Comment, 2006-11-29 11:24 )

    Problem with RSS Feed in WordPress.
    I have a subdomain that I installed wordpress for another blog site, but the subdomain site's rss feed points to my parent site.
    Can anyone come up with any suggestions?