Hein? Hunh? Hey? Hrm?

Ou l’on constate que l’anglais possède le mot hein.

In my pursuit of acquiring at least some of the trappings of British geek and pop culture, getting a basic grasp on Doctor Who I came across a word that I hadn’t been aware the English language possessed.

This is from last Staturday’s episode (”Utopia”), about 7 or 8 minutes in. The protagonists have just arrived in an unknown location and are walking through a dark rocky landscape. While the Doctor is rather pensive and monosyllabic, his companions, Captain Jack Harkness and Martha Jones, are chattering away. There is an undercurrent of jealousy, and at one point Martha gets a bit snippy. Here’s how the Doctor calls them to order:

To me, the interjection after “end of the universe” sounds pretty much like the French word hein. Moreover, it has here exactly the meaning of hein: something like a rather aggressive question tag, which could be glossed as “right?” or “isn’t it?”

But here’s the problem. If I transcribe this passage as:

  • You two — we’re at the end of the universe, hein? Right at the edge of knowledge itself, and you’re busy … blogging! Come on.

… then it looks to the reader as if the speaker was speaking with a French accent, which would be misleading.

I asked some irquaintances for other, more English-looking spellings. The suggestion that might fit best was hunh.

(That this was one of the funniest TV quotes I’ve encountered in a while may have contributed to my noticing this.)

En français, cela donne « calcul contrefactuel », terme pour le moins paradoxal. L’occasion — je n’ai pas encore vu d’article dans la presse française, mais cela ne devrait pas tarder — en est un résultat de recherche en calcul quantique d’une équipe de chercheurs de l’Université de l’Illinois/Urbana-Champaign (États-Unis) : Leur dispositif expérimental a trouvé le résultat d’un algorithme sans en fait le faire tourner. Ceci est possible justement en utilisant ce calcul contrefactuel, défini comme un mode de calcul qui utilise des informations portant sur ce qui ne s’est pas passé.

Le résultat a été publié dans l’édition du 23 février de la revue Nature, disponible en ligne — aux abonnés.

[Le vérificateur d’orthographe ne connaissait pas : contrefactuel ; le TLFi non plus, d’ailleurs.]

From here to eternity

Comme me l’a fait remarquer mon ami Michel, certains photographes amateurs confondent eternity et infinity.

  • 2006-02-22
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My friend Michel Valdrighi has been browsing photography web sites. And, as he pointed out to me the other day, he’s found quite a few people who who set their lens focus (or extend their depth of field) to … eternity:

  • Likewise, you will find that a greater depth-of-field (bigger f-stop number) will make everything from here to eternity appear in focus. (link)
  • At that f-stop, you focused the camera at 5 to 7 feet away and the DOF extended damn near to eternity ;-) (link)
  • To increase DOF against far distance/eternity, turn to left side. (link)
  • It makes a nice, clean image from corner to corner and closes down to f/22 for depth of field from inches to eternity. (link)
  • A couple of them are built as rigidly as possible, allowing for an equivalent F-Stop of 100, which gives me focus from here to eternity. (link)
  • Digicam (secret for now)
    aperture ~5
    shutter 1/100
    focus eternity

A blend of time and space conceptualisation into one? The word infinity doesn’t only relate to space, though, but also to number and quantity.

The search phrase "from here to infinity" yields only 24,400 raw Google hits, compared to 717,000 for "from here to eternity" (the results for Yahoo! are even more unbalanced). But the latter the title of a novel and (multiple-oscar winning) film.

The usage of the verb snob

Le verbe snober vient du nom anglais snob, emprunté par le français. Mais il ne se dit pas snob en anglais — je parle toujours du verbe —, mais snub. Peu surprenant que certains anglophones s’y perdent. Et même plus que ça : on trouve une foule de formations verbales faites à partir de snob, toutes absentes des dictionnaires.

  • 2005-10-29
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When the sentence “He [Karl Marx] would probably snob his nose at it [blogging]” flickered by me on IRC some hours ago, I just thought that this was a nice blend of snob n., snub v. and the idiom turn up one’s nose at sth., possibly influenced by the semantically less pertinent snub-nosed. […]

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Amuse-bouche to zaibatsu

Des entrées nouvelles dans le Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate® Dictionary, l’un des dictionnaires les plus réputés de la langue anglaise.

  • 2005-10-04
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New entries in the 2005 edition of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate® Dictionary. I was slightly surprised about the new sense of neoconservative. There must have been some semantic variation over the last few years.

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  • 2005-09-26
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It is reassuring to know that the Paris police Préfecture has been making plans in the event of terrorists attacking several places at once, like in Madrid or London. According to a Libération article, the first step would be to get everyone out of the public transport network: Si un jour, un attentat […]

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Euphemism of the day: concertina wire

Appeler ces barbelés meurtriers aux lames aiguisées comme des lames de rasoir fil accordéon est un euphémisme quelque peu extrême.

  • 2005-09-11
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From the Washington Post (reg. req’d I think; you can also try to access the article via bugmenot). National Guard crews are setting up double rows of coiled razor wire in front of the tracks and will continue to do so until the fencing blocks the ravaged coast for 30 miles. […]

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Non-eggcorn: “equilateral(ly)”

Une liste d’exemples du mot «equilateral», notamment sous sa forme adverbiale (que le français ne connaît pas, de ce que j’en sais), dans des contextes surprenants.

Ce n’est pas un poteau rose, pour autant.

My first sighting was in a report from a tech volunteer in the Astrodome in Houston, quoted on BoingBoing. There are plenty of issues that need to be discussed, but the evacuees are keeping the area very clean and equilaterally said they were happier to be in the Astrodome than stuck in the Superdome […]

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  • 2005-09-04
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L’exemple type d’un acte de parole susceptible d’entraîner des dégâts réels est « crier au feu dans un théâtre bondé ». Il faudrait peut-être remplacer cet exemple par « crier au kamikaze dans une foule épaisse ». La semaine dernière a été bien trop meurtrière. (Je me rends compte que ni l’une ni l’autre des deux énoncés n’est, à proprement dire, […]

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Un article de Sarah Crown sur Culture Vulture, le blog consacré à l’actualité culturelle du Guardian parle des difficultés que rencontre le projet de faire un film basé sur la trilogie His Dark Materials (À la croisée des mondes en français ; le site du magazine Lire propose des critiques) de Philip Pullman. […]

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