Carnival of Blog Translation VI.

Blogueurs et blogueuses mulitilingues de tous les pays, à vos claviers ! Il y a une nouvelle édition du Carnaval des traductions blogiques. Toutes combinaisons de langues source et cible sont acceptées — pourvu que vous traduisiez un billet publié en juin 2006 (par vous même ou quelqu’un d’autre), publiez la traduction sur votre blog à vous, et me le fassiez savoir.

Update 3: To make this perfectly clear, there is no deadline. As long as the translated posts were published in June 2006.

Hell and damnation! I hate it when that happens — and this was indeed a bad time for things to go awry. No I didn’t forget the Carnival of Blog Translation, which I’ve agreed to host for the month of June. I’ve just been horribly snowed under with my new job and moving to the pleasant suburb of Brixton. So not only did I find myself too sleepy to blog, I even missed posts going missing and all but the most egregious server problems. Because there’ve been some.

Update 1: This post, too, is affected. It seems it’s up now — at least I hope so.

Be that as it may, I am horribly, horribly late for the June edition, which Angelo/Caelestis at Sauvage Noble so kindly suggested that I host. No; Liz Henry’s excellent initiative deserves better.

Still, all is not lost, maybe, and June’s not really quite finished yet, if you squint. So Bi- and Multilingual Bloggers of All Countries, Unite! Here are the rules:

  1. Choose a blog post written in June 2006 and get permission to translate it. You can choose one of your own.
  2. Translate it.
  3. Post it on your blog.
  4. All topics and language combinations are welcome.
  5. Notify me, either by leaving a comment or trackback here, or by email to chris AT lascribe POINT net, or by Technorati-tagging your post. The notification should include: The URL, title and author’s name of the original post (in the source language), your name and blog URL, the URL and title of your translation.

Technorati-tagging? Like so: add this code to the end of your post, and I’ll automatically see it:

<a href="" rel="tag">carnivalofblogtranslation</a> or, if you prefer,
<a href="" rel="tag">Carnival of Blog Translation</a>

The deadline is

Sunday, the 32nd of June 2006 at 23:99

(whichever your time zone).

Update 2:Liz Henry herself has come through wonderfully. Read her translation of Yuyu’s post Tormentas de verano: Music, roses, and thunderstorms. To be read while listening to Paula and Odile’s very beautiful Coplilla de la rosa amarilla.

But in fact, I’ll post whatever comes in, even later. I’ll do two translations myself, to make up for my tardiness. And if I fail to give satisfaction as a hostess, I’ll accept 100 lashes with a Unicode string as a punishment.

1 commentaire(s) pour 'Carnival of Blog Translation VI.'

  1. (Trackback, 2006-07-02 14:17 )

    Blog translation carnival for June/Blog-Übersetzungen

    Wer einen im Juni veröffentlichten Blog-Beitrag in irgendeine oder aus irgendeiner Sprache übersetzen will, kann dies tun, im eigenen Blog veröffentlichen und Chris davon in Kenntnis setzen (sie kann auch sehr gut deutsch!). Details auf …